Friday, April 20, 2012

Nur Atirah Turns To 2! : Mar

Friday, April 20, 2012

wokeh....another kid turns to 2 this year! hehe ;-) kali ni utk adik nur atirah plak.....order from dearest mummy, mar....mar suka dgn design bear & balloons emy terbuat bear dia slightly darker plak from the previous one....hope atirah xterkejut la yer dgn color bear tu....acik emy terpekatkan plak color brown tu...hehe.....patutnye light brown je...baru kena dgn theme colorful ni kan...aisshh....ampun yer atirah.... lenkali acik emy buat elok2 sket....hehe....well, to mar, tengkiu so muchhhh ;-)