Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Elmo & Frens Fancy Cookies!: Ila

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

credit to ila....tengkiu hehe....

yg ni pun credit to ila.....

dua gmbr last tu from ila.....pic2 from party....tomeeiiiii hehe.....well, ila order fancy cookies dgn character elmo n frens ni khas utk besday anaknye.....tomei tau....memalam aritu cian dtg jauh2 nk amik cookies ni kt umah acik emy kan....hehe....well, theme elmo n frens ni meriah sgt2.....very the colourful gittew....hehe...well, to ila....tengkiu so much sbb sudi order from emy tau...jauh ila dtg...from klang ok....hehe....well, tengkiu againnnnn :-D suka sgt....hehe.....